GFEMS - knowledge products for wider dissemination of key findings and recommendations of research

It was exciting working on this assignment and learning from it. The project aimed to layout and design three research briefs. The briefs highlighted methods, findings, and conclusions from studies conducted by GFEMS.

The first brief was on Tackling Labor Exploitation in the Construction Sector in India - this document talked about India’s complex construction industry and its impact on migrant workers. The second brief was titled Final Assessment of Changes to the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Napak District of Karamoja, Uganda - it highlighted methods, findings and conclusions from a two-time-point study assessing changes related to the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) in Napak District of the Karamoja region in Uganda. The third brief - Respondent-Driven Sampling Study of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) in Kampala, Uganda: Revisiting Prevalence a Year Later - outlines the methods, findings and conclusions from the second part of a two-phase study conducted by ICF in collaboration with Makerere University’s Department of Social Work and Social Administration in Kampala, Uganda.

It was an honour working on this. I am thankful to GFEMS for trusting me with their vision for this assignment.


European Network on Debt and Development - Economic justice illustrations


GFEMS - 2021 Impact report illustrations